Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lesson plan on Primary Mathematics (fractions)

Topic: Fractions (primary 4)
Subtopic: Types of Fractions

Unit goals: pupils to know what are fractions and its types.

Learning objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
1) To explain what is numerator
2) To explain what id denominator
3) Give at least 3 examples on what are proper fractions
4) Give at least 3 examples on what are improper fractions
5) Give at least 3 examples on what is mixed fractions

Materials: Used paper fold - teacher can fold the paper into half, so pupils will followed. Colour pencils - this is to ask the pupils to colour the part of fractions to show as the numerator. Fractions charts/ flash cards- to show the differences of fractions story telling - create story which relates with fractions (the topic)
Visual fractions- Fractions are better understood when seen. E.g. concrete objects such as a round plastic plate

Hook and exploration how I want the lesson to start? How I help the pupils to get the concept of what I am trying to teach them?
There several ways where I can start the lesson. Commonly used are cutting a piece of paper into half. This is to show the pupils about what fraction is. Yet, this is in the old days. Some said that using paper fold are the cheapest and effective teaching aids to teach the pupils the concept of fractions.
However, we can use alternative ways such as by doing some action such accidentally drop a plate which is already cut into equal parts such as 1/4. Ask the pupils what happen to the plate. Then, the pupils might say that there are broken into equal size. then after that, you can put the plate into one piece and stick it on the board and start your lesson for that saying "children, what has happen to the plate just now is that the plate has broken into equal parts are known as fractions." If the pupils still have problems on understanding the concept then teacher could used the paper folding or ask the pupils to underline on top of the folding line.

There many ways on how teacher could do the hook and exploration of a fractions concept. By letting the pupils eats a pieces of pizza or even during on their birthday event in the school. (teacher can make use it as integration of language such as singing the birthday song and asked the pupils to look closely on how you cut the cake into equal size of each slice. even you also can add science subject, such as the important to take care of their teeth, as the cake is sweet and it is not good for their teeth and also their health.
The concept of teaching fractions that pupils need to know is: the more parts are divided equally, the smaller the fractions are.

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