Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What is the effective teaching of Mathematics?

According to Montague-Smith. A (2000) states that from the evidence from research in the 1980s suggested that there are major factors which must be addressed in order to ensure high standard of achievement that the pupils should have in Mathematics.

1) teacher should know what to teach and how to teach effectively by moving through an effective sequencing of concepts and skills.

2) Effective learning requires proactive, direct instructions linked to prescribed objectives.

3) Teachers need effective teaching methods for working with the whole class and groups.

Thus, from the above factors, it shows that teacher plays an important role in order to help the children success in learning mathematics.


Fox. B, Montague-Smith. A and Wilkes. S (2000) - Using ICT in Primary Mathematics (Practice and Possibilities) - Mathematics teaching and learning: past, present and future , David Fulton Publishers: Great Britain.

You must read this book...just find it from the library..... It is very interesting and plus it gives us the whole pictures on how we relate the teaching and learning of mathematics by using ICT....

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